McDonalds Business

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 McDonalds Business, Do you know what business does McDonalds does?, If you guessed food business you were wrong. McDonalds is a Real estate business. McDonalds earns money through the fast food and buys stores, and because it's a big company which means when they put out a restaurant at a new location there will be more people who get jobs, so they buy the land and pay no taxes. A normal person buys a house and pays about 25k+ as tax if the property is worth 500k, but these giant companies don't have to pay taxes, so basically they don't pay anything to the government. As an example I used the number's in K's but the deals of McDonald's happens in Million and in which they save millions and if they sell the same place to someone else they get both the tax and the cost for house/land/shop. The person who known's how to save taxes and eliminate it is going to be a King.


  1. "The person who known's how to save taxes and eliminate it is going to be a King."


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