
Karoly the shooter

                         This story is about 1938, and a man named Karoly. He was Hungarian's best pistol shooter. Any national championships that happened in that country were all won by him, and everyone in the country was sure that he would win the 1940's Olympics gold medalist. He trained for years for this one moment. He had only one dream and that was to become the best shooter in the world and he almost accomplished that. In 1938 there was an army training camp and he went there because he was in the army. Then an accident happened, a hand grenade blew up in his right hand. The hand he wished to hold a gold medal. The hand was now gone. All the focus and his dream were all done. He had two options, one to cry his whole life or to fulfill the goal that he focused on. He didn't focus on what he has lost but instead on the other hand that he had. This was the type of hand that he was not even able to write with. For a month he had stayed in the hospital to get better. R