What's good MEL's. Ooops I know some might be mad that I haven't uploaded for a long time but guess what I'm back, that's what matters yay!! Given that MELnewzers is now all about horror/crime/mysterious stories, here's a very good one: On March 29th, 2000, the 12th episode of CBS medical drama City of Angels aired, titled "TO Halve or Halve Not". Is that important to the horror/crime/mysterious story at hand? Well, you'll just have to wait and see... (spoiler: no.) On November 7th, 1872, a ship called the Mary Celeste set sail from New York Harbor towards Genoa, Italy. On board was captain Benjamin Briggs, his cousin Sarah Elizabeth Cob b, 2-year old daughter Sophia Matilda Briggs, his wife Sarah Elizabeth Cobb, and a robust crew: Albert G. Richardson, Andrew Gilling, Edward William Head (who possessed a body in addition to the head), Volkert and Boz Lorensen (two names, not one), Arian Martens, and Gottlieb Goudschaal. The troupe of ten (as th...