Albert Einstein- quote 2

We've already looked at one of Albert Einstein's quotes, now let's try and understand another. "Beim Menschen ist es wie beim Velo. Nur wenn er faehrt, kann er bequem die Balance halten." Einstein wrote this German phrase in a letter to his son, Eduard Einstein. Now, this may not be perfectly clear to the average English-speaking Melnewzers reader, so here is an excellent translation, courtesy of Google Translation Services:
"It's like a bicycle in the middle of nowhere. Only when he is going where he can keep his balance he is the straightest"
 Wonderful, no? Now, here's a better, hand-made translation:
"It is the same with people as it is with riding a bike. Only when moving can one comfortably maintain one’s balance."
This quote tells us that you have to keep moving in order to stay afloat. Speaking from personal experience, as part of a (non)biker gang, bikes travel best when they travel fast. When you slow down and stop, you lose the momentum that's so important to riding a bike. Never stop your bike on a hill, or you'll never be able to ride up.

This quote tells us that in real life, you have to keep going forward. If you stray away from your path, for whatever reason, there's a good chance that you may not ever be able to ride again and be reduced to walking. 

The hardest time to keep going forward is on a hill, for both bikers and non-bikers. In life, when you come across a hill, it may seem easy to slow down, stop and walk your bike up the hill. However, true strength comes from riding your bike up that hill, hard as it may be.

Einstein sure kept his momentum. In a single year, he produced four research papers that even individually would have shook the scientific world. He explained the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and mass-energy equivalence, all in 1905. Most people would have relaxed then, but Einstein kept pedaling. He taught at several universities, developed general relativity, and investigated quantum theory in later years. You too, can follow Einstein's words and example. When you refuse to be slowed down by any intervening factors, the sky is the limit.


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