How to impress colleges?

Hah, I knew you would be hear. Jokes aside, lets get to the point- How to impress colleges? The fact is just be you, colleges look for people who really say who they are and who act the same way through actions. Let's take an example, and this happened in real life, okay so when I was in 10th grade, I saw people in my boy scouts who wanted to go to a leadership academy to put that on their college application. Right when I heard them talk about advantages of the course but not the knowledge they would gain, I was a bit stunned. I was stunned of what they thought. They thought to impress the colleges by going to a academy that teaches them about leadership, thinking that college would know that they have leadership qualities. They would use the skill they learned for nothing and instead viewed the certificate/badge that they get as an opportunity to impress colleges. I believe, if you truly want to become a leader these programs are just a small part, they give you knowledge but ultimately you have to become a leader by doing something often such as leading a club in your school or some sort of activity that your mainly are interested and wanna help out others with that team you built. This example could be applied to everything. Lastly, collages don't look for a person who took a good program, they look for a person who implemented the strategies he learned and improved the planet.


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