How to stay positive when people demotivate you?

         There are many people who are going to demotivate you in your journey. The world doesn’t like people being successful. They will try to push you down. In this moment I just do one thing,  in my perspective it’s a good thing when people start demotivating you and I fact I believe that when people demotivate you  that’s when you know your going on the right track. Okay, so how do you stay positive, when people try to demotivate me I intake everything that they are telling me and when I lose hope in something, I remember everything that they say. So, I use the demotivation as a fuel to make me progress. I get twice the energy when I remember everything they said. Do the same thing, act like you don’t care but take it in and use it as a fuel. Usually when people hear someone demotivation then they try to fight, it try to prove that they are wrong and in this process you get Stressed or even loose a friend\relationship. If you use my method you don’t loose anything and you actually gain something. 


  1. I have a question, master MEL. You said that when people demotivate me I intake everything that they are telling me and when I lose hope in something, I remember everything that they say. Does that mean that when people motivate me, I should forget everything they are telling me and when I gain hope in something, I should forget everything they say?
    Eh, maybe it doesn't work like that.


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