Why its important to study?

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  "Every 26 seconds a teen drops out of school". Their might be many teens thinking of dropping out from school/universities to start/do something big. I was one of them, I also "thought" off dropping out but I really didn't have a choice because I had Indian parents. This was the time when I was in 9th grade. I saw many big entrepreneurs explaining why studying is not necessary to become rich. I agree to that point, but that doesn't mean one should drop out of their school/university. I researched, and when I did, I found out that the number of people who get rich by dropping out of school/ university is really low, it doesn't mean that you can't become, it simply means that their is a lot of risk you are taking and if you do not succeed in what you aim to achieve by dropping out then you will most likely end up becoming poor. Taking risks is a good thing, I would agree that you should take risk but there should be a limit. A person who has 10$ should not every bet 10$. That would be foolish. For example- My goal changed from dropping out to getting into a good collage then to graduate so that I could at least have a base line, I want to take risks and be in business and also grow but I also want to do computer science, one because I love doing it and two because it’s a security, meaning even if I fail to do something in business I could at least use my computer science degree and get a job to make me stable. Lastly, “risks is good but when you think logically and plan accordingly it’s not a risk anymore”- by Avaneesh Buddha. An example of this would be if I fail in business and have a loss of 50k which would not  happen then I would use my computer science knowledge to repay the amount instead of just going poor. Now it’s your time to shine.


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