Albert Einstein Quote 3

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This is a great quote and when he said this quote, computers were not developed. Internet didn't penetrate that much, but he knew what was going to happen in the future. He gave this statement based on that. Why is it not important to learn facts in education? If we talk about todays world, then facts are available in a click of button. So that mean if you go to school/college and learn and put it in the brain. What is the use of it? everything's already online. if you memories everything and have to retrieve it then how is that going to be possible. You would have to ask that question to yourself and you remember and tell it. But if you had to ask a question then you could have asked the same question to your iPhone. You could ask about this/that and the mobile will give you the answer. Do you think you could be able to feed as much knowledge as iPhone or that's present in Google? If all we think about education is to feed facts into our brains, then our brain will always be behind mobile phone's knowledge, how much ever we try to develop it. So that education is for no use. So what is real education? It's important to understand this, because if we don't understand this, then we will have people who have a lot in their brain but don't know how to think. There are two things that are being told here. Number one education is not the learning of facts. As I said before why learning of facts is not important? Because all the knowledge, the facts and the education is already present in the, internet. If education is to store the information present in the internet, the it's of no use. It's already stored in your mobile. If it's stored in your mobile then why store it again in the brain. Number two, "but the training of the mind to think", meaning that children's should be thought how to think. Because any solutions in the world that are given are suppose to be faced by thinking. it's not from your memory, google, facts or knowledge. The way you you use the knowledge is how the solution comes from. If from memories or books could give you solutions, then their would have been no problem. If a person had to earn money, he would simply read and gets solution. Solution is not found from information. The way you use the information is how you get the solution. Google can't give you a answer for this. If you found a solution to a problem that the Google couldn't answer then your intelligent. This is suppose to be the job of education system. This is real education.


  1. Why does MELnewzers not have "I" for information?


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