How to feel energetic all the time?

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                  This question basically mean, how to achieve your goals. Okay lets get into it, If you observe a lion closely in forest, you can see that it stores it's energy. It doesn't run around like a stupid. This is because if it does that then it wouldn't have anergy when it needs it. Conserving energy is important. How do you conserve the energy? If you have work. I mean it's not like you have work 24/7. Out of 24 hours you will properly have 4 hours where you actually do something that is important. This is the time where you have to put your full focus, dedication and effort. Once you're done with that task then you should relax. Mentally and physically. When you're doing this you are restoring the energy. Like if we sleep then we are bringing the energy back. You should know these both skills in life. Sometimes you shouldn't waste your energy, people usually get energetic when thy should not. wasting their energy without doing anything, and when there's something productive to do they don't even have energy to do that work. Or you'll see many people using their energy in the wrong work. A work that doesn't even benefit. So you should learn how to conserve the energy, and how much you use, where you use and everything like that should be done by you. You should know how much is needed at a certain task. The question should be "how to maintain this balance?". For example you exercised for 1 hour, once you do that you should ideally focus on your breath and completely relax. You are basically conserving the energy when you're doing this. You will feel much better once you come outside the gym. You might not feel that energized but you brain will be at ease/peaceful. After some time of exercising, you will automatically have energy to do something. So you can look at this like if you had to do a task then you use up most of your energy and when you don't you preserve it. And that's it MEL's hope this excerpt gave you some energy.


  1. Gee WIllikers! After I've read this post, I don't think I'll waste a single ounce of energy ever again!


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