Joke 3

2 Jokes in 2 days?? How is this possible? We said one joke a week, but we couldn't resist. 
Note: According to legend, this joke was once told by a black belt in Kung Fu, so you know it's good.


A man walks into a barber shop and asks how long the wait is. The barber tells him, "2 hours". The man leaves. Two hours later, the man hasn't come back and the barber is confused. Thinking that the man forgot, the barber just continues his work.

The next day, the same man walks into the same barber shop and asks the same barber how long the wait is. It's a crowded day, so the barber says "3 hours". As soon as the barber is about to ask the man why he never showed up yesterday, the man leaves. Three hours go back, and the crowd at the barber shop lessens. The man never comes.

 On the third day that the man comes to the barber shop, the barber immediately asks him why he's asking how long the wait is if he doesn't even show up. The man ignores him and asks how long the wait is. The barber says "One and a half hours. Actually remember to come this time." The man leaves without responding.

Now the barber thinks something is sus. He tells a coworker to discreetly follow the man and see where he goes instead of the barber shop. Sure enough, the coworker goes, and when he comes back, he's obliviously trying not to burst out laughing. The barber asks, "Well, where does he go everyday?" The coworker replies "Your House" and promptly loses it.

Moral- Never become a barber.


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