Joke 4


    There once was a man who really didn't like punch. Fruit punch? No, thank you. Punch to the face? Not on your life. Punch card at the local ice-cream eatery? No, are you mad?

    So, he didn't like punch, of any kind. Well, one day, the man was at this hip-and-cool party late at night. And what was the drink of choice? You guessed it, punch. Well the man didn't want none of that, so he stormed out. His friends tried to reason with him, but he was adamant. "You either have the punch, or you have me", he said. 

    It was some really good punch, so the friends said they would catch up later. The man started to walk back to his punch-free household. Suddenly, he saw a woman walking her dog and said hi. The woman said hi back, and the man continued to his house. Then he got a good night's sleep and had oatmeal for breakfast the next morning.

Moral- Oatmeal is a good breakfast, you should try it sometime


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