Restaurant Riddle

How to Choose The Right Restaurant Floor Plan for Your Restaurant ...


         A man and his wife walk into a restaurant together. The man says he wants some H2O, while the woman says she wants H2O too. The man drinks the water and is ready to order some food, and when he looks at his wife, he finds her to be dead. How does the man's wife die?


She asked for H2O too, but the waiter thought she asked for H2O2, which is hydrogen peroxide, a deadly chemical compound. So, when she drank it, she died.

So, did you get it?


  1. This is pretty tuff. The man drinks the water but the wife never drinks her cup. Who do the man and woman ask for H2O and H2O2, who gives it to them? Are they even asking anyone. I think I got it. The man is dreaming of his middle school crush, which is why he doesn't notice any waiters or anyone and what happens is he wakes up, because he was only dreaming of his crush while the man is single.

    1. Insightful analysis. I especially enjoyed how you considered the possible rhetorical situation of a middle schooler's dream; it really puts the riddle into perspective!


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