Steve Jobs Quote 2


Hello, dear MELs. This is the second installment in our series analyzing the quotes of Steve Jobs, and how you can use these to better live your life. The quote that we'll analyze today is "Stay hungry, stay foolish." No, I don't think that was big enough. How about this:

    There, much better. Steve jobs said this during a 2005 speech given at Stanford. He found "Stay hungry, Stay foolish" on the final issue of a magazine named The Whole Earth Catalog, which Jobs followed. On its last issue, as a piece of advice to its readers, it said, "Stay hungry, Stay foolish". 

But what is this supposed to mean? Isn't being hungry a bad thing? Nobody wants to be foolish, right? Well, let's look at it from Jobs's perspective. Steve  Jobs was the first in his family to attend college, but dropped out after he found that college didn't do much for him. He then spent a period of his life actually being hungry, and the decision to leave college may have seemed foolish at the time. However, it is this hunger and this foolishness that played a major part in the creation of Apple and the Macintosh computer.

Hunger is a need for something. Usually, its food, but it can also be popularity, money, or to be the best that no one ever was. This hunger to succeed is what drove Steve Jobs to being great. Another part of being hungry is not being full. Never get satiated and satisfied with what you have, because you can always be greater and be a better person.

Foolish people are renowned for making bad decisions. But at least they do make decisions. The confidence that fools have is not to be underestimated. Taking the initiative that a fool does is key to achieving your goals. Another aspect of fools is that they refuse to follow logic and instead are stubborn in their ways. Similarly, you should also be firm when you make unconventional decisions, and follow those decisions out. Your confidence and ability to break out of the mental cage that says "You're not going to do it" can mean the difference between success and failure.

Never give up, and always strive to be greater. This is what Steve Jobs means by "stay hungry". By "stay foolish", he advises you to never grow shy of making decisions, even if it means stepping into the spotlight and giving others a chance to poke at your weaknesses. Dear MEL, by taking these lessons and copy-pasting them into your daily life, you can become a better person.


  1. I thought you were going to cap but this was really inspirational. Great analysis, I believe we were on the same page. Looking forward to the next quote.


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