Words about Pictures 2

    Now we've really lost it. Instead of uploading an image (like we've never done, ever), or gif, we've uploaded a video. On a series titled "Words about Pictures"! How could we!? What has MELnewzers come to?
    Well, if you'd just take a look at said video, you might change your mind. This is a quite exquisite video, don't you think. Why don't you watch it again. There, much better. You could even watch it a third time, but only if you're a serious MEL.

    What can we learn from this video? First, let's discuss what actually happened in the video. The schoolchild swung a sword around, very fancy-like, and then said, "Don't smoke weed; smoke Jesus". This message is very, very profound and we all should all try to incorporate it into our daily lives. How so? Well, that's what I'm about to spit.

    It's important to not let distractions like drugs interfere with your daily life, and your plan to aim for success. But how do you stop yourself from doing those not-so-good activities? Everybody knows how certain bad habits build up over time, to where its almost impossible to let go of them. The secret lies in this enlightened soul's words. 

    He says, "don't smoke weed; smoke Jesus". This is obviously telling us that while we may not be able to effectively halt our attraction towards a bad habit, we can compensate by developing an even stronger attraction towards something that is beneficial (doesn't have to be Jesus). If we do this, then every time we think of [insert bad habit here], we can instead tell ourselves to do [insert good habit here]. 

    At first, this technique may seem difficult. The ingrained bad habit will just seem so much stronger than whatever you're trying to replace it with. But this is exactly what you have to do. Your focus must be as sharp as that schoolchild's sword. If you don't break early on, you can successfully replace the habits and lead a better life.

    Bad habits are hard to break, and I'm sure many of us MEL's know this firsthand. But follow this young intellectual's advice. Whenever you get even the slightest urge to do something bad, such as picking your nose, just tell yourself to do something that relaxes you, something that you enjoy that's also something good and productive. Whenever you go to pick your nose, tell yourself, "Dyude, I'm going to read now.". In the wise words of the schoolchild, "Don't smoke weed, smoke Jesus". 


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