Why Working Hard isn't the same as Giving it your All


Look at this picture. There is sweat on that man's face. He looks tired from exertion. Must be out there, giving 110% right? Well, not always. You see, simply working hard is not doing the best that you can possibly do at the task. Working hard means that your body is hard-pressed to do its best, and that's great, it really is. But even if your body is working as hard as it could, your mind may not be all there. Say you're studying like mad for an upcoming test. If your hands are taking notes and answering questions but your mind is thinking about a movie trailer that was supposed to drop today, you really won't get much done.

If you have both your body and mind (hey, maybe even the intellect!) into the activity you're doing, be it studying or exercising or trying not to make spelling mistakes when chatting with friends. And above all, don't try to distract yourself from the pain (if any). If you get bored while studying and start thinking: "I can't wait to be done with this so I can take some RoS dubs", you're just wrong on so many levels. Not only do you think playing Rules of Survival is more enjoyable than studying, but you also adopt exactly the wrong kind of mindset for the job. And even further, you're just fundamentally distracting your brain from studying with those no-no thoughts.

If the baller pictured above was thinking "Imma just shoot a couple hundred hoops and then go have a chat with some ladyfriends", he for sure would NOT be giving it his all. Instead, if he just relaxed, cleansed his mind of distractions, and well, played, he would probably be up there with the Greats. Sadly, 'tis not the case. Ah well. Sucks.

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