Yale’s dumb boy

                Radithor Bottle Vintage Medicine PROP Radium Radiation | Etsy


Hello guys, I mean (cough cough) Mels. The cough was just normal(not corona). Today’s story is going to be different, because we told that we would resume on the 2nd of august but since you guys are boiling I decided to make a new thing, where we add a new post cheekily and secretly. The first one who comments gets a shoutout from the author. Now I’m sure no one wants to miss that out. Okay, let’s get into the incident, and one last thing, to make this interesting I’ll make up a name of the character and you guys, after hearing the story should search up and find the name of the guy and comment, this way you can get shouted in the next post and we know that your a true MELer. Okay so this was a incident that happened in “maheshmatti”,where a son of a rich boy went to school,  he graduated from Yale university and was also a big golf player, he got so successful in golf that he won the international goal competition after which many people start their professional golf life, but right after he has won that he was handed over his dad oil company, so overnight he became from rich to sus rich, he started having meetings with CEO’s of coco cola and more companies. One day while he was going for a meeting in train which was a 12 hours long journey, in which he slept in the upper bunk bed. During the middle when he was deep asleep he fell down on his shoulder and felt pain, but he carried on in his lovely little sweet dreams, but after he woke up he still had the pain. Now, he has gone to a doctor and got it checked and the doctor makes sure and assured him that everything was perfect and if he would like he could take a medicine(tonic) that could help him with the pain. It was Radithor, so he went home bought the tonic and had a spoon of it, and instantly he felt better. He felt like the pain went away and more better. This continued on and on and he took it every day and it now came to a point where he was drinking three bottles of this because he believed this just made him perfect. So for three to four year this went on and on day when he woke up his jaw broke. Literally his jaw broke, the reason being is because this tonic contains radium and basically is bones we’re getting week because of the thousands of bottles of Radathor that he consumed. He died a couple weeks later. After a couple years scientists went to his grave to see how active the radium still was and they found out that it has a half life of 1600 years so it will be active like that for decades. Now it’s your turn to find out which guy is this about. 


  1. Ngl, 10/10 historically accurate representation

  2. Whoa, this is the 100th post?


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