
Introducing MELnewzers and what's about to come soon

               Hello everyone, this is a late introduction, but introducing MELnewzer, a website where teens and parents can have fun and get smarter at the same time, MELnewzers is a unique website created by blogger the website from which we are controlling everything, there are two authors working in this website currently who are- Avaneesh buddha and Hecretary Bird, we are also creating a website which would be launched next year. There are many updated and fun things that will be coming soon such as an app that sends motivational quotes to start off your day positively, and one for the blog so that you could get the latest news and many more. We are also working on 3 books and the details for those will be given in the coming blogs. So stay tuned.

How to volunteer?

Volunteering, I know many people who don't want to volunteer but they do. I volunteered at a local food center, convention center, and many more to help out the people, and I was interested/passionate about it, and this is where I met many teens like me who didn't want to volunteer but they simply do it for their parents or to get into a good college. People like these are the ones who don't know what the real meaning of volunteer is. People who don't like helping in food banks can avoid that and do some other thing that they are interested in. For example, I love computer science and want to learn everything that is connected with it, so I could use the skill that I have in computer science to help out startup companies or other sites so that they can better perform. There would be something or the other that everyone's good at, if your good at Spanish then you could use that skill to teach people Spanish. Volunteering is something that should be done from the hear

A Stupid Incident

One steaming day, I and my mom had to go to my school to collect my report card. I was nervous, as the vehicle got closer, my heart rate increased. But somehow, I and mom went to school to collect the report card( In India parents are told to arrive and collect the report card from the school). Then, surprisingly I got 39/40 in Science and all the other subjects were near 35/40. This is the exact moment when I decided to become a scientist, and the reason I choose to become one is due to my grade in it. This was the time when we had to leave for the US in two months. Happy to find my career, I felt safe. In India, people ask youngers about their future ambition and not answering that meant you were stupid. Time went on and I reached America and joined in 7th grade. During seventh grade, I did not know much about the rules, grading system, and basically how the school functioned. So, in the first year, I knew about the school and how the US functioned- schools, supermarkets, road lanes,

Time-saving Keyboard Shortcuts

These days, some of us spent more time on computers than we do off them. Not all of this time on your keyboard is useful, though. You can save some time, and do what you enjoy instead of mindless clicking and typing, with these keyboard shortcuts. Every time you use a shortcut, you save the bit of time it takes for your hand to go to the mouse and click something, or the longer bit of time it would take you to type the same thing a large number of times, for example. These time saves add up, and can make a great impact. It's very important to know many great keyboard shortcuts and commands to save this time, and improve your digital prowess. So, here are many of the most important keyboard shortcuts that you'll consistently find a use for: TAB NAVIGATION Going between tabs can be a bothersome chore sometimes. Luckily, there are two very handy keyboard shortcuts just for this. Ctrl + [number] automatically sends you to the tab number that you selected. Ctrl + 9 takes you to the

Why you should Wake Up Early

          Waking up early is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your lifestyle. Although it may seem hard at first, if you keep trying to wake up early, if you keep telling yourself that you will  wake up early, you'll build up a habit that will serve you all your life, keeping you fresh throughout the day. Let's take a look at some of the ways that getting up in the mornings can positively impact your day and your life.      When you wake up early, you receive a whole host of benefits. For one, waking up in the morning regularly improves your sleep cycle. If you don't care when you wake up, you won't care when you go to sleep. Because of this, you might sleep at 10 one day, but stay up till 3 the next. Fixing your sleep schedule in place by deciding to wake up early is linked to a better focus and more energy, for one. In addition, waking up on time can give you valuable time in the mornings. You can use this peaceful morning time to exercise before your d

pablo picasso

                                                                   Pablo Picasso, one of the legends in painting. One day Picasso was walking through the street when suddenly, a woman knew who he was and ran to him and said, she was his biggest fan. Then, she asked Picasso if he could make a painting for her. He then responded that he didn't have the equipment to make a painting so he would paint for her another time. She knew she would not have another chance to meet him, so she told him to make a painting. Then, Picasso took a small piece of paper and a pen and started drawing. After 10 min Picasso made the painting and told her that the painting was worth a million dollars. Without telling anything, she came to her home. She thought Picasso was fooling her. She went to the market to find out the price of the painting. She was shocked when she found out that the painting was worth a million dollars. She ran to find Picasso and when she finally found him, she asked him to make her

The Story of Vincent van Gogh

                     You may have heard about Vincent van Gogh, the dutch painter known all over the world for his self-portraits, art style, and of course Starry Night . He is one of the most influential and prevalent artists today, but how did he fare in his time?         In a word: terribly.          Van Gogh was born in 1853 to a family made up of preachers and art dealers in a small town in the Netherlands. As an upper middle-class child, van Gogh was sent to boarding school. He felt abandoned and wished to return immediately. When his parents tried again at a middle school, he disliked it as well, later describing his childhood as a "austere and cold".                     Vincent van Gogh drew much as a child, but didn't respond to formal classes. At the age of 16, van Gogh received a job at an art dealership, but was dismissed in 1875 because of a disagreement with the principles of the art dealership. Van Gogh, who was sad and sorrowful throughout his life, had ju