
Albert Einstein- quote 1

                             Let's start of with Albert Einstein's first quote which is " Every Body is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. It  will be living it's whole life thinking it's stupid", this is a powerful statement, before I tell you the meaning try to understand it first. Okay so the meaning of this is, if someone else judges the fish then there's no problem, then the person who judged is stupid. Meaning if the world judges you there's no problem and the world is stupid, but if the fish judges it's own ability's and thinks that it can't climb the tress then it's stupid. Everybody has an ability in life. If Bill Gates was told to become a doctor in life, then he wouldn't be the person who he is right now. He found his passion when he was young and progressed along. Or, if Albert Einstein was told to play cricket, then what would he do, people would have laugh. Albert Einstein did what was hi

Small Note

                                      Hello Everyone, from today we are going to start a series, in this we are going to evaluate quotes of people like Albert Einstein and then explain their though process and what thought made them extraordinary in life through these quotes. Each blog is going to contain 1 quote, for example-we are currently working on Albert Einstein and quote number 1 and its explanation is about 10-15 lines. So, we decided to make each quote in separate pages. So, that you guys can spend less time and gain more information. Stay tuned for the first one.

How to impress colleges?

               Hah, I knew you would be hear. Jokes aside, lets get to the point- How to impress colleges? The fact is just be you, colleges look for people who really say who they are and who act the same way through actions. Let's take an example, and this happened in real life, okay so when I was in 10th grade, I saw people in my boy scouts who wanted to go to a leadership academy to put that on their college application. Right when I heard them talk about advantages of the course but not the knowledge they would gain, I was a bit stunned. I was stunned of what they thought. They thought to impress the colleges by going to a academy that teaches them about leadership, thinking that college would know that they have leadership qualities. They would use the skill they learned for nothing and instead viewed the certificate/badge that they get as an opportunity to impress colleges. I believe, if you truly want to become a leader these programs are just a small part, they give you kn

Is investing in stocks risky?

                                   I saw many many people who believe investing in stocks are risky. Here's my take on stocks and its risks. I never believe something is risky. There are two main reason, one being if you believe something is risky your brain automatically sends you bad signal meaning it's going to be imputing more information that is against it, and in the same place instead of thinking its risky, if you tell your self why its risky then most of the times the answer would be because of you doing a mistake. I believe if something is risky to someone then they don't know much about it. For example- everyone watching this blog must have been in 1st grade at a time and when you were in 1st grade most of the things were tough, even multiplying and dividing was hard, but we had teachers who wanted us to learn and we ultimate did it and now that we know what it is and it's seems easy. You can look at stocks the same way, investing is risky only if you don'

McDonalds Business

             McDonalds Business, Do you know what business does McDonalds does?, If you guessed food business you were wrong. McDonalds is a Real estate business. McDonalds earns money through the fast food and buys stores, and because it's a big company which means when they put out a restaurant at a new location there will be more people who get jobs, so they buy the land and pay no taxes. A normal person buys a house and pays about 25k+ as tax if the property is worth 500k, but these giant companies don't have to pay taxes, so basically they don't pay anything to the government. As an example I used the number's in K's but the deals of McDonald's happens in Million and in which they save millions and if they sell the same place to someone else they get both the tax and the cost for house/land/shop. The person who known's how to save taxes and eliminate it is going to be a King.

Why it's important to invest money then to save it

                           Many men and women believe that they are getting richer ever day by saving their money in the banks, because bank gives you 3% growth each year. But if you look at it in close, it a gain for banks and loss for you. How you may ask? There is something known as a GDP which is known as growth of a country in simple terms. Each year United States has a GDP of 8 to 15 percent. The lowest it might go up is 6%, so if you look at the market, even thought you might be thinking that the money is increasing, it not. It depreciates, if a taco was $3 this year it would be $3.25 the next year, this might not be a big difference for one item but if you look at it for the whole year, it calculates and becomes more than compared to last year. This doesn't mean you shouldn't save, you should save but your money should also be in other places such as stocks which could make you money and cover the GDP each year. This is just one little thing that could make a huge diffe

Why its important to study?

                                 "Every 26 seconds a teen drops out of school" . Their might be many teens thinking of dropping out from school/universities to start/do something big. I was one of them, I also "thought" off dropping out but I really didn't have a choice because I had Indian parents. This was the time when I was in 9th grade. I saw many big entrepreneurs explaining why studying is not necessary to become rich. I agree to that point, but that doesn't mean one should drop out of their school/university. I researched, and when I did, I found out that the number of people who get rich by dropping out of school/ university is really low, it doesn't mean that you can't become, it simply means that their is a lot of risk you are taking and if you do not succeed in what you aim to achieve by dropping out then you will most likely end up becoming poor. Taking risks is a good thing, I would agree that you should take risk but there should be a